Tuesday 8 July 2014

Huobi Introduces Margin Trading into Bitcoin Digital Currency Sector

Huobi, known as the ‘big three’ exchange of China is now introducing interest accounts and margin trading to the bitcoin digital currency sector. Forex News analysts have said that new introduction is most probably the first industrial move designed to allow the availability of various types of traditional products to many serious online or digital currency traders. 

For this, the company has incorporated its new platform named as BitVC, which is a subsidiary company of Hong Kong possessing various margin trade platforms for litecoin and bitcoin. Users will get the opportunity to borrow more than 200 percent of the total values of assets within their accounts or via combination of values for CNY, LTC and BTC. FX Trade News reporters have further revealed that Houbi is also launching its new brand named as Yubibao to deliver services in combination with BitVC and to accompany the actual move. 

Thus, Yubibao has become a novel addition as well as a rare activity in the bitcoin sector. In fact, it has become a saving account capable of providing users with payments based on daily interests. Main idea behind the introduction of new brand is to allow users of BitVC to deposit funds into their official accounts with Yubibao, where balances remain available for many traders to borrow. An interesting fact in this case is that individuals can perform both withdrawals and deposits within small span of time. 

“Yubibao’s system pools the resources available for lending for anyone to dip into; the advantage for lenders being that they can start receiving interest immediately.” Coin Desk 

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