Tuesday 15 July 2014

BitOcean Japan-Bitcoin Business Consortium to Acquire Mt. Gox

Few days ago, consortium for bitcoin business in United States and in China has made the announcement to establish the new exchange in Japan. Business group of both of these countries have intended to acquire Mt. Gox and its other valuable assets as major means to bolster several new offers. Both of these business organizations have named the joint venture as BitOcean Japan, which comprises of ATM producer in China named as BitOcean and the exchange technology platform of New York named as Atlas ATS. As per the latest FX resources, Atlas is an American company, which is looking for a local partner to expand the existing international exchange network into the market of Asia. 

Despite, the newly formed venture is not any rescue plan for Mt.Gox and does not look for resurrect the name of Gox; its members are aiming to buy the assets contained by this bankrupt exchange. In addition, Forex News highlighted that members of this company are even planning to submit a report to Nobuaki Kobayashi, a trustee appointed by the court for overseeing of the case of Mt.Gox. BitOcean Japan is planning to launch its new exchange at the official level in the month of August. BitOcean even said that its professionals and managers would take different approach to leverage the defunct assets of the company as significant part of its applied effort. 

Daniel Kelman, the General Counsel and the co-founder of BitOcean explained the change by commenting in front of the public, “We kicked around the idea of using the Gox name because we felt that is would be best if we could prevent it from being forever a stain on bitcoin.” Coin Desk 

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